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July 05, 2004

I was staying up in Pleasanton, hanging outside a laundromat/grocery store while An cleaned her sheets, when a scarlet-haired girl with large breasts approached me with her smaller sister and asked if I could be her boyfriend. I asked how old she was and she said 23 but she was clearly younger. It later turned out that she was 16.

We exchanged phone numbers and e-mail but I was too tense to write anything properly, too afraid of screwing it up.

At my house, it was Lauren's house, two stories, but still. The girl and I were in the bathroom and I tried to kiss her but she wouldn't go for it. She said all the boys did that.

Her shirtless, spindly and scary dad saw me from next door with my shirt off. The girl tried to play it like I was a pile of clothing.

She later became angry with me, asking when I'd stop acting. I told her I didn't like her at that moment but I'd write out my address in case my feelings changed, because I didn't want to live with regrets.